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Uberon Ontology

nucleus proprius of spinal cord

Term ID
  • nucleus proprius
  • nucleus proprius columnae posterioris
  • nucleus proprius cornu dorsalis
  • nucleus proprius dorsalis
  • nucleus proprius of the spinal cord
  • proper sensory nucleus
The Nucleus proprius is a layer of the spinal cord adjacent to the substantia gelatinosa. Nucleus proprius constitutes the bulk of the dorsal horn and receives inputs from the dorsal root ganglions that carry sensory information, such as light touch, as well as pain and temperature information. Cells in this nucleus project to deeper laminae of the spinal cord, to the posterior column nuclei, and to other supraspinal relay centers including the midbrain, thalamus, and hypothalamus. Rexed laminae III, IV, and V make up the nucleus propius Nucleus proprius (NP), along with nucleus dorsalis (ND) are involved in sensing fine touch and proprioception.
Uberon Ontology
is part of
has parts
is a type of