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Uberon Ontology

dorsal artery of penis

Term ID
  • arteria dorsalis penis
  • dorsal artery of the penis
  • dorsal penis artery
The Dorsal Artery of the Penis ascends between the crus penis and the pubic symphysis, and, piercing the inferior fascia of the urogenital diaphragm, passes between the two layers of the suspensory ligament of the penis, and runs forward on the dorsum of the penis to the glans, where it divides into two branches, which supply the glans and prepuce. On the penis, it lies between the dorsal nerve and deep dorsal vein, the former being on its lateral side. It supplies the integument and fibrous sheath of the corpus cavernosum penis, sending branches through the sheath to anastomose with the deep artery of the penis. [WP,unvetted].
Uberon Ontology
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