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Sequence Ontology


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  • small nucleolar RNA U3 gene, snoRNA U3 gene, U3 small nucleolar RNA gene, U3 snoRNA gene
A gene that codes for U3_snoRNA. U3 snoRNA is a member of the box C/D class of small nucleolar RNAs. The U3 snoRNA secondary structure is characterised by a small 5' domain (with boxes A and A'), and a larger 3' domain (with boxes B, C, C', and D), the two domains being linked by a single-stranded hinge. Boxes B and C form the B/C motif, which appears to be exclusive to U3 snoRNAs, and boxes C' and D form the C'/D motif. The latter is functionally similar to the C/D motifs found in other snoRNAs. The 5' domain and the hinge region act as a pre-rRNA-binding domain. The 3' domain has conserved protein-binding sites. Both the box B/C and box C'/D motifs are sufficient for nuclear retention of U3 snoRNA. The box C'/D motif is also necessary for nucleolar localization, stability and hypermethylation of U3 snoRNA. Both box B/C and C'/D motifs are involved in specific protein interactions and are necessary for the rRNA processing functions of U3 snoRNA.
Sequence Ontology
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