ZFIN ID: ZDB-EXP-190502-2
Experiment Conditions Description: chemical treatment: serotonergic antagonist
chemical treatment: serotonergic antagonist
Name: chemical treatment
Definition: Experimental condition in which the fish is treated with a chemical substance. This treatment could be administered by adding the chemical substance to the tank water, injections, or by consumption.
Ontology: Zebrafish Environment Condition Ontology [ZECO:0000111]
Name: serotonergic antagonist
Synonyms: 5-HT antagonists, 5-hydroxytryptamine antagonists, antiserotonergic agents, serotonin antagonists, serotonin blockaders
Definition: Drugs that bind to but do not activate serotonin receptors, thereby blocking the actions of serotonin or serotonergic agonists.
Ontology: ChEBI [CHEBI:48279]  ( EBI )
Publication: Wu et al., 2018