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Anatomy Ontology
- Term ID
- ZFA:0001651
- Synonyms
- hypobranchial muscle
- sternohyoideus
- sternohyoids
- Definition
- Head muscle that originates on the anterior region of the cleithrum and inserts on the urohyal. The hypobranchial forms initially as left and right parts that later fuse together forming a cone shape. The muscle is innervated by the occipitospinals and mainly composed of fast twitch muscle fibers. (3)
- Appears at
- Hatching:Long-pec (48.0h-60.0h)
- Evident until
- Adult (90d-730d, breeding adult)
- References
- TAO:0000283
- TAO:0002200
- Figures
- Ontology
- Anatomy Ontology
- is a type of
- has developmental contribution from
Genes with most Figures
Antibody Labeling
Phenotype caused by Genes