ZFIN ID: ZDB-PERS-121116-6
Hagenaars, An
Email: an.hagenaars@ua.ac.be
Affiliation: University of Antwerp zebrafishlab - Dries Knapen
Country: Belgium


Michiels, E.D., Vergauwen, L., Hagenaars, A., Fransen, E., Dongen, S.V., Van Cruchten, S.J., Bervoets, L., Knapen, D. (2017) Evaluating Complex Mixtures in the Zebrafish Embryo by Reconstituting Field Water Samples: A Metal Pollution Case Study. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 18(3)
Bagci, E., Heijlen, M., Vergauwen, L., Hagenaars, A., Houbrechts, A.M., Esguerra, C.V., Blust, R., Darras, V.M., Knapen, D. (2015) Deiodinase Knockdown during Early Zebrafish Development Affects Growth, Development, Energy Metabolism, Motility and Phototransduction. PLoS One. 10:e0123285
Hagenaars, A., Stinckens, E., Vergauwen, L., Bervoets, L., Knapen, D. (2014) PFOS affects posterior swim bladder chamber inflation and swimming performance of zebrafish larvae. Aquatic toxicology (Amsterdam, Netherlands). 157C:225-235
Hagenaars, A., Vergauwen, L., Benoot, D., Laukens, K., and Knapen, D. (2013) Mechanistic toxicity study of perfluorooctanoic acid in zebrafish suggests mitochondrial dysfunction to play a key role in PFOA toxicity. Chemosphere. 91(6):844-56
Vergauwen, L., Knapen, D., Hagenaars, A., and Blust, R. (2013) Hypothermal and hyperthermal acclimation differentially modulate cadmium accumulation and toxicity in the zebrafish. Chemosphere. 91(4):521-529
Vergauwen, L., Hagenaars, A., Blust, R., and Knapen, D. (2013) Temperature dependence of long-term cadmium toxicity in the zebrafish is not explained by liver oxidative stress: Evidence from transcript expression to physiology. Aquatic toxicology (Amsterdam, Netherlands). 126C:52-62
Vergauwen, L., Knapen, D., Hagenaars, A., De Boeck, G., and Blust, R. (2013) Assessing the impact of thermal acclimation on physiological condition in the zebrafish model. Journal of comparative physiology. B, Biochemical, systemic, and environmental physiology. 183(1):109-121
Hagenaars, A., Vergauwen, L., De Coen, W., and Knapen, D. (2011) Structure-activity relationship assessment of four perfluorinated chemicals using a prolonged zebrafish early life stage test. Chemosphere. 82(5):764-772