ZFIN ID: ZDB-PERS-100914-1
Das, Bhaskar C.
Email: Bhaskardas19@gmail.com
Address: ************************************************************************************ Bhaskar C. Das, PhD Professor (Tenured) and Director for Research Arnold & Marie Schwartz College of Pharmacy & Health Sciences Long Island University – Brooklyn 75 DeKalb Avenue, HS-610, Brooklyn, NY 11201-5497 Phone: (718) 246-6452 (O), Fax: 718-780-4586, Cell: 845-300-2153 E-mail: Bhaskar.Das@liu.edu Adjunct Professor Department of Medicine/Nephrology Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai 1468 Madison Avenue, New York, NY 10029 Office: 212-241-8019, Fax: 212-987-0389 E-mail: Bhaskar.das@mssm.edu Department of Surgery/ Molecular Biology Weill Cornell Medical College (WCMC) 1300 York Ave, New York, NY 10065 Email: bcd2004@med.cornell.edu BBB: BORON -BRAIN -BIOLOGY ************************************************************************************
Country: United States
Phone: 845-300-2153
Fax: 718-780-4586
ORCID ID: 0000-0002-5837-027X

Design and Synthesis of Boron based probes and pharmacological agents targeting Mitochondrial Oxidative and Metabolic pathways for brain Development and diseases using ZF Model.

Mohanta, L., Das, B.C., Patri, M. (2020) Microbial communities modulating brain functioning and behaviors in zebrafish: A mechanistic approach. Microbial pathogenesis. 145:104251
Cook, B., Rafiq, R., Lee, H., Banks, K.M., El-Debs, M., Chiaravalli, J., Glickman, J.F., Das, B.C., Chen, S., Evans, T. (2019) Discovery of a Small Molecule Promoting Mouse and Human Osteoblast Differentiation via Activation of p38 MAPK-β. Cell chemical biology. 26(7):926-935.e6
Das, B.C., McCormick, L., Thapa, P., Karki, R., and Evans, T. (2013) Use of zebrafish in chemical biology and drug discovery. Future Medicinal Chemistry. 5(17):2103-2119