ZFIN ID: ZDB-PERS-031009-3
Kidd, Kameha
Email: kiddka@mail.nih.gov
Address: Unit on Vertebrate Organogenesis Laboratory of Molecular Genetics The National Institute of Child Health and Human Development National Institutes of Health Building 6B, Room 309 6 Center Drive Bethesda, MD 20892 USA
Phone: (301) 435-5760
Fax: (301) 435-6001


Ulrich, F., Carretero-Ortega, J., Menéndez, J., Narvaez, C., Sun, B., Lancaster, E., Pershad, V., Trzaska, S., Véliz, E., Kamei, M., Prendergast, A., Kidd, K.R., Shaw, K.M., Castranova, D.A., Pham, V.N., Lo, B.D., Martin, B.L., Raible, D.W., Weinstein, B.M., Torres-Vazquez, J. (2016) Reck enables cerebrovascular development by promoting canonical Wnt signaling. Development (Cambridge, England). 143(1):147-59
Pan, W., Pham, V.N., Stratman, A.N., Castranova, D., Kamei, M., Kidd, K.R., Lo, B.D., Shaw, K.M., Torres-Vazquez, J., Mikelis, C.M., Gutkind, J.S., Davis, G.E., and Weinstein, B.M. (2012) CDP-diacylglycerol synthetase-controlled phosphoinositide availability limits VEGFA signaling and vascular morphogenesis. Blood. 120(2):489-498
Avraham-Davidi, I., Ely, Y., Pham, V.N., Castranova, D., Grunspan, M., Malkinson, G., Gibbs-Bar, L., Mayseless, O., Allmog, G., Lo, B., Warren, C.M., Chen, T.T., Ungos, J., Kidd, K., Shaw, K., Rogachev, I., Wan, W., Murphy, P.M., Farber, S.A., Carmel, L., Shelness, G.S., Iruela-Arispe, M.L., Weinstein, B.M., and Yaniv, K. (2012) ApoB-containing lipoproteins regulate angiogenesis by modulating expression of VEGF receptor 1. Nature medicine. 18(6):967-973
Shaw, K.M., Castranova, D.A., Pham, V.N., Kamei, M., Kidd, K.R., Lo, B.D., Torres-Vazquez, J., Ruby, A., and Weinstein, B.M. (2006) fused-somites-like mutants exhibit defects in trunk vessel patterning. Developmental Dynamics : an official publication of the American Association of Anatomists. 235(7):1753-1760
Kamei, M., Kidd, K.R., Torres-Vazquez, J., and Weinstein, B.M. (2004) Making waves in Madison: the 6th International Meeting on Zebrafish Development and Genetics. Zebrafish. 1(2):145-163
Kidd, K.R. and Weinstein, B.M. (2003) Fishing for novel angiogenic therapies. British journal of pharmacology. 140(4):585-594