ZFIN ID: ZDB-PERS-010309-2
Koch, Romke
Email: rkoch@niob.knaw.nl
Address: Hubrecht Laboratory Netherlands Institute for Developmental Biology Uppsalalaan 8 Utrecht , 3584CT Netherlands
Phone: 31-30-2121969
Fax: 31-30-2516554


Howe, K., Clark, M.D., Torroja, C.F., Torrance, J., Berthelot, C., Muffato, M., Collins, J.E., Humphray, S., McLaren, K., Matthews, L., McLaren, S., Sealy, I., Caccamo, M., Churcher, C., Scott, C., Barrett, J.C., Koch, R., Rauch, G.J., White, S., Chow, W., Kilian, B., Quintais, L.T., Guerra-Assunção, J.A., Zhou, Y., Gu, Y., Yen, J., Vogel, J.H., Eyre, T., Redmond, S., Banerjee, R., Chi, J., Fu, B., Langley, E., Maguire, S.F., Laird, G.K., Lloyd, D., Kenyon, E., Donaldson, S., Sehra, H., Almeida-King, J., Loveland, J., Trevanion, S., Jones, M., Quail, M., Willey, D., Hunt, A., Burton, J., Sims, S., McLay, K., Plumb, B., Davis, J., Clee, C., Oliver, K., Clark, R., Riddle, C., Eliott, D., Threadgold, G., Harden, G., Ware, D., Mortimer, B., Kerry, G., Heath, P., Phillimore, B., Tracey, A., Corby, N., Dunn, M., Johnson, C., Wood, J., Clark, S., Pelan, S., Griffiths, G., Smith, M., Glithero, R., Howden, P., Barker, N., Stevens, C., Harley, J., Holt, K., Panagiotidis, G., Lovell, J., Beasley, H., Henderson, C., Gordon, D., Auger, K., Wright, D., Collins, J., Raisen, C., Dyer, L., Leung, K., Robertson, L., Ambridge, K., Leongamornlert, D., McGuire, S., Gilderthorp, R., Griffiths, C., Manthravadi, D., Nichol, S., Barker, G., Whitehead, S., Kay, M., Brown, J., Murnane, C., Gray, E., Humphries, M., Sycamore, N., Barker, D., Saunders, D., Wallis, J., Babbage, A., Hammond, S., Mashreghi-Mohammadi, M., Barr, L., Martin, S., Wray, P., Ellington, A., Matthews, N., Ellwood, M., Woodmansey, R., Clark, G., Cooper, J., Tromans, A., Grafham, D., Skuce, C., Pandian, R., Andrews, R., Harrison, E., Kimberley, A., Garnett, J., Fosker, N., Hall, R., Garner, P., Kelly, D., Bird, C., Palmer, S., Gehring, I., Berger, A., Dooley, C.M., Ersan-Ürün, Z., Eser, C., Geiger, H., Geisler, M., Karotki, L., Kirn, A., Konantz, J., Konantz, M., Oberländer, M., Rudolph-Geiger, S., Teucke, M., Osoegawa, K., Zhu, B., Rapp, A., Widaa, S., Langford, C., Yang, F., Carter, N.P., Harrow, J., Ning, Z., Herrero, J., Searle, S.M., Enright, A., Geisler, R., Plasterk, R.H., Lee, C., Westerfield, M., de Jong, P.J., Zon, L.I., Postlethwait, J.H., Nüsslein-Volhard, C., Hubbard, T.J., Crollius, H.R., Rogers, J., and Stemple, D.L. (2013) The zebrafish reference genome sequence and its relationship to the human genome. Nature. 496:498-503
Koch, R., Rauch, G.J., Humphray, S., Geisler, T.R., and Plasterk, R. (2004) Bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) clones and the current clone map of the zebrafish genome. The Zebrafish: Genetics, Genomics and Informatics, 2nd ed., Methods Cell Biol.. 77:295-304

Romke Koch, H.G.A.M. van Luenen, M van der Horst, K.L. Thijssen, and Ronald H.A. Plasterk. (2000) Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms in wild isolates of Caenorhabditis elegans. Genome Research 10:1690-1696