Fig. 1

Figures for Horst et al., 2024
Figure Caption

Fig. 1 Dose-effect curves determined for 5 days-old ZFE following reference (solid lines) and UHDR (dash-dotted lines) irradiation with 225 MeV protons (circles, left column), in a proton SOBP (crosses, middle column) and with 30 MeV electrons (squares, right column). The rows show the different endpoints: the fraction of ZFE with a pericardial edema (a), the fraction with a curved spine (b), the deficit of embryo length compared to unirradiated controls (average length ∼ 3900 µm) (c) and the deficit of eye diameter compared to unirradiated controls (average diameter ∼ 240 µm) (d). The electron datapoints in panel (c) were already shown in a recent letter [21] as a preview on the full dataset presented here. The statistical significance of the sparing effect at UHDR is indicated by ns (non-significant), * (significant), ** (very significant) and *** (highly significant).

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