Fig. 3

Figures for Morizet et al., 2024
Figure Caption

Fig. 3 Conservation and variations in the evolution of the adult neurogenic cascade in vertebrates.

a Plots displaying scores (see Materials and Methods) identifying astroglial cells, metabolically active cells and neuroblasts in zebrafish, salamander, lizard and mouse. The ribosomal score is used here to represent an upregulation in genes involved in protein synthesis, which is associated with a switch from quiescence to activation in stem cells, as well as with proliferation and early post-mitotic cells. Additional illustrations explaining how cell populations were selected can be found at b Schematic delineating which cell populations were selected for further analysis: in pink: qRG, identified by a high Glial Score and low Ribosomal and Neuroblast Scores; in green: paRG, identified by high Glial and Ribosomal Scores and a low Neuroblast Score, and in blue: neuroblasts, identified by a low Glial Score and high Ribosomal and Neuroblast Scores. Proliferating cells were purposefully left out of this comparative analysis because non-glial progenitors and proliferating glia could not be readily identified in all datasets. c Phylogenetic tree depicting the profiled vertebrate species and reconstructed gene expression along the neurogenic cascade for selected genes. A grey square represents no or low expression, an orange square represents intermediate level of expression, and a red square represents high expression. Black squares represent genes that are either not present in the genome (igfbpl1 in zebrafish) or for which it is impossible to distinguish between actual lack of expression or lack of detection due to scRNA-seq. NB: newly born postmitotic neurons, paRG: pre-activated RG close to entering the cell cycle, qRG: quiescent RG.

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