Fig. 3

Figures for Bertozzi et al., 2021
Figure Caption

Fig. 3

Fig. 3. Inhibition of Wnt/β-catenin signaling impedes maturation and resorption of the scar. (A) Acid Fuchsin Orange G (AFOG) staining of cryoinjured hearts of hs:Axin1-YFP fish and wild-type siblings, heat-shocked (h.s.) daily starting from 1 dpi and harvested at 3 or 60 dpi. Blue ​= ​collagen, purple ​= ​fibrin, brown ​= ​healthy myocardium. The yellow dashed squares represent the magnified area showing details of the wound. Green dashed lines outline the wound/scar area. Scale bars, 100 ​μm (overview), 10 ​μm (magnification). (B) Quantification of scar size of cryoinjured hearts of hs:Axin1-YFP fish and wild-type siblings, heat-shocked (h.s.) daily starting from 1 dpi and harvested at either 3 dpi or 60 dpi. n (hearts) ​= ​8 (3 dpi, wild-type), 9 (3 dpi, hs:Axin1-YFP), 9 (60 dpi, wild-type), 10 (60 dpi, hs:Axin1-YFP). Error bars represent CI 95%. Unpaired Welch's unequal variances t-test. (C) Quantification of the area occupied by fibrin relative to the entire scar area of cryoinjured hearts which contained a residual scar from hs:Axin1-YFP fish and wild-type siblings, heat-shocked (h.s.) daily starting from 1 dpi and harvested at 60 dpi. n (hearts) ​= ​6 (60 dpi, wild-type), 10 (60 dpi, hs:Axin1-YFP). Error bars represent CI 95%. Unpaired Welch's unequal variances t-test.

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Reprinted from Developmental Biology, 481, Bertozzi, A., Wu, C.C., Hans, S., Brand, M., Weidinger, G., Wnt/β-catenin signaling acts cell-autonomously to promote cardiomyocyte regeneration in the zebrafish heart, 226-237, Copyright (2021) with permission from Elsevier. Full text @ Dev. Biol.