Figure 3

Figures for Siegerist et al., 2021
Figure Caption

Figure 3

Abundant expression of candidate as endogenous control miRs. All miR candidates were detectable in the whole sample set. In general, they exhibit a high homogeneity as indicated by low standard deviations (SD). MiR-92b-3p shows most homogenous expression levels in mixed values (A), strains only (B), MTZ-treatment group (C) and in MO-treated group (D). Data is presented as inter-run calibrator (ICR) corrected expression. Box-Whisker plots with upper and lower quartiles and outliers from technical triplicates. (A) 45 samplings of 20 pooled larvae; (B) 21 samplings of 20 pooled larvae; (C) 15 samplings of 20 pooled larvae; (D) 9 samplings of 20 pooled larvae.

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