Figure Caption

Figure 2—figure supplement 4. Comparison between different TRPC4 structures.

(A) Structural alignment of a protomer of the inhibitor GFB-8438 bound TRPC4 with that of TRPC4 in its apo state. The protomer of the TRPC4 apo structure is shown in cartoon representation and colored in light blue while the protomer of the inhibitor bound TRPC4 structure is colored in light red. (B) Same as in (A) for the inhibitor GFB-9289 bound TRPC4. The protomer TRPC4 structure is shown in light green. (C) Similar to (A), but for inhibitor GFB-8749 bound TRPC4 structure colored in cyan. (D) Alignment of the structures of TRPC4 solubilized in amphipols or in the detergent LMNG. The protomer of apo-LMNG structure is shown in dark blue. (E) Alignment of the TRPC4-CaM complex structure with the TRPC4 apo-LMNG structure. The TRPC4-CaM complex is also solubilized in LMNG. The protomer of the TRPC4-CaM structure is shown in purple. (F) Alignment of the TRPC4-inhibitors and TRPC4-CaM structures. Note: The C-terminal helix in the apo structure (PDB ID: 6GIK) has been corrected for domain swapping (See Method section and Figure 5—figure supplement 3B for details).

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