Figure Caption

Figure 3—figure supplement 1. Evpl associates with Ppl in microridges.

(A) Evpl-mRuby[BAC] expression in periderm cells of 48hpf zebrafish showing localization to aggregates (arrow) and microridges. Image is a zoomed out version of the image used in Figure 3A. (B) Ppl-GFP[BAC] expression in periderm cells of 48hpf zebrafish showing localization to microridges. (C) Projections of periderm cells in two different fish (each row) co-expressing Evpl-mRuby[BAC] and Ppl-GFP[BAC] at 48hpf. (D) Proportion of cells with aggregates in Evpl- or Evpl/Ppl-expressing cells. Black-and-white images were inverted so that high-intensity fluorescence appears black and low-intensity fluorescence is white. Scale bars: 10 µm.

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