Fig. 1

Figures for Fujimoto et al., 2011
Figure Caption

Fig. 1 Pan-neuronal expression of Gal80 does not affect central nervous system (CNS) development. Whole-mount embryos (transgenic Tg(elavl3:Gal80)zc64 or nontransgenic sibling), ventral views (except D), anterior to the top. Images are confocal projections (except A and B). A–A′: Brightfield images showing expression of gal80 by in situ in wild-type (A) and transgenic embryos (A′). B–B′: dlx2 in situ expression in wild-type and transgenic embryos is similar. C–C′: Pattern of tyrosine hydroxylase (TH) antibody expression is similar in wild-type and transgenic embryos. D–D′: Axon tract architecture appears similar in wild-type and transgenic embryos (lateral views, anterior to the left). E–E′: Acridine orange staining for apoptotic cells is similar in wild-type and transgenic embryos. Scale bar = 50 μm.

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