Fig. S6

Figures for Budi et al., 2011
Figure Caption

Fig. S6

mitfa::GFP+ cells in adult fish. Shown are cross-sections through ~20 SSL (~80 days post-fertilization) adult wild-type fish. (A) A persisting nerve-associated mitfa::GFP+ cell (green; arrow). sc, spinal cord; m, myotome. (B) mitfa::GFP+ cells (green; arrowhead) within the lateral line nerve. e, epidermis (C) mitfa::GFP+ cells (green; arrow) and foxd3+ cells (red; arrowhead) in the ventral myotomes and base of the anal fin (f). (D) mitfa::GFP+ cell (green; arrow) and doubly labeled mitfa::GFP+; foxd3+ cell (arrowhead) associated with an adult scale (s).

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