
Transfer of the zp3a gene results in changes in egg adhesiveness and buoyancy in transgenic zebrafish

Cao, Y.Q., Wang, Y.X., Zhao, Y., Zhang, J., He, X., Xie, P., Chen, J., Sun, Y.H.
Full text @ Zool Res

Identification of zp genes as candidates for regulation of egg adhesiveness

A: Cartoon showing sampling and design of RNA-seq of rare minnow oocytes at different developmental stages. B: Heat map showing RNA-seq results for rare minnow oocytes at different stages. r1: repeat 1; r2: repeat 2; r3: repeat 3. Note: One sample from the mid group was removed due to poor quality. C: Volcano plot showing DEGs in rare minnow oocytes between mid and late stages. D: KEGG results showing enriched terms based on DEGs from C.

Establishment of transgenic zebrafish lines expressing rare minnow Zps

A: Zp proteins identified in EE of rare minnow by LC-MS/MS. B: Upper: Cartoon showing zebrafish zp3.2 promoter-rare minnow zp-eGFP expression construct; Lower: Gel image showing GFP PCR products amplified from transgenic embryos. Ctr: zp3.2: eGFP constructs. C: Fluorescence image showing GFP signals in F0 transgenic ovaries. White arrows indicate oocytes with strong GFP signals. D: Image showing GFP expression in transgenic eggs from F0 parents. White arrow indicates ovulated egg with GFP signals on EE. E: Representative images showing GFP signals in the gonads of indicated transgenic lines. White arrows indicate GFP-positive gonads. F: IF images showing expression of FLAG-tagged Zp3a-eGFP protein in isolated EE of control and transgenic eggs using FLAG antibodies. Note: punctated signals were observed only on EE of transgenic eggs. Bar: 200 μm.

Gain of partial adhesiveness in transgenic zebrafish eggs

A: TEM images showing structures in outer layer of 0 hpf fertilized eggs from WT zebrafish, Tg(zp3.2: zp3a-eGFP) line, and rare minnow. Red arrows indicate electron-dense projections. Bar: 2 μm. B: TEM images showing budlike structures on outer layer of transgenic eggs at indicated time points. Red arrows indicate electron-dense projections. Bar: 1 μm.

Enhanced hydration in transgenic zebrafish eggs

A: Representative images showing morphology of fertilized control and transgenic eggs at indicated time points. Note: increased volume of transgenic eggs is compared to controls. B–D: Quantitation of egg, yolk, and perivitelline space diameter of control and transgenic eggs at indicated time points. E: Comparison of water loss between control and transgenic eggs at 1 hpf. F: Comparison of average weight of control and transgenic eggs at 1 hpf. Bar: 200 μm. *: P<0.05.

Gain of buoyancy in transgenic zebrafish eggs

A: Bar graph showing relative sink velocity of transgenic and control eggs at the indicated time points. B: Bar graph showing time required to sink from the surface to the bottom of eggs at the indicated time points. Experiments were repeated three times. ns: Not significant; ***: P<0.001; ****: P<0.0001.

Changes in yolk cell metabolism in transgenic zebrafish eggs

A: Coomassie brilliant blue-stained image showing a reduction in VTG levels in transgenic (TG) eggs compared to controls (Ctr) at indicated time points. Red boxes indicate where bands are obviously altered. B: Western blotting results showing greater reduction in VTG levels in transgenic eggs compared to controls at indicated time points. C: PCA showing clear separation between control and transgenic eggs. D: Heat map showing DMs between control (WT) and transgenic (TG) groups. Six control and transgenic eggs were sampled (numbered 1–6). E: Box plots showing relative concentration of indicated metabolites in indicated groups.

Expression of genes involved in VTG metabolism

A, B: qRT-PCR results showing relative expression of indicated genes in control and transgenic eggs. Experiments were repeated three times. ns: not significant; *: P<0.05.

Generation of zp3a-deficient rare minnow

A: Cartoon showing targeting site of sgRNA in zp3a gene of rare minnow. B: Genotyping results showing −2 bp mutant allele (up) and −5 bp mutant allele (bottom). C: H&E-stained images showing oocyte morphology in control and −5 bp heterozygous ovaries. Bar: 200 μm. D: Representative TEM images showing surface of EEs of control and heterozygous mutant oocytes. Red dashed lines indicate borders between developing adhesive layer and supporting somatic cells. Bar: 10 μm.

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