Identification of teleost auts2 ohnologs and their origin using synteny and phylogenetic analysis (A). Identification of teleost auts2a and auts2b in 7 species using synteny analysis. Chromosome and scaffold numbers are indicated. Gene positions are in kilobases. The names of phylogenetic groups are indicated on tree branches. (B). Phylogenetic analysis of full-length Auts2 proteins using CLUSTALW alignment and maximum likelihood method. Protein accession numbers are provided in front of the species names. Bootstrap values are displayed on each node.

Comprehensive analysis of teleost auts2 gene retention and expression after teleost-specific whole genome duplication. (A). Retention of teleost auts2a and auts2b in 78 species using synteny analysis. Whole genome duplication events are indicated by a red spot. (B). Tissue expression analysis of auts2 using RNA-seq data in 10 species. Different colors correspond to different tissues.

Teleost auts2 ohnologs? evolutionary history. The presence of a gene in a specific clade denotes the retention in at least one species of the clade.

AUTS2 exons and protein domains in humans, zebrafish, and Japanese medaka based on Ensembl. NLS: nuclear localization sequence. PRR: proline-rich repeat domain. PPPY: PPPY protein binding motif. HXR: HX repeat motif. SRR: serine-rich repeat domain. * indicates the position of the initiation codon of the S-AUTS2-Var2 human short C-terminal isoform [4,6].

(A). Japanese medaka auts2a expression during embryonic development. (B). Focus on early embryonic development. For both panels bars represent the mean normalized expression calculated using 4 different pools of embryos. The standard deviation is displayed. Primers surrounding exons 2?3 junction target the full-length isoform. Primers surrounding the exons 18?19 junction target both full-length and short C-terminal isoforms. Comparisons were performed independently for each set of primer. Stages sharing the same letter are not significantly different (p < 0.05).

auts2a spatial expression in stage 29 medaka whole embryos using RNAscope. Green staining corresponds to the RNAscope signal. Red staining corresponds to the methyl-green-stained cell nucleus. An RNAscope probe targeting the Bacillus subtilis dapB gene (Accession #: EF191515) was used as a negative control. Images correspond to a maximum intensity Z axis projection for the RNAscope probe and standard deviation Z axis projection for methyl green. (A). Whole embryo. (B). Optic tectum. (C). Diencephalon. (D). Telencephalon. (E). Rhombencephalon. (F). Cerebellum. (G). Eyes.

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