ZFIN ID: ZDB-EXP-230831-15
Experiment Conditions Description: chemical treatment by environment: AS1842856
chemical treatment by environment: AS1842856
Name: chemical treatment by environment
Definition: Chemical treatment condition in which the chemical is introduced through the environment. For zebrafish this is the tank water.
Ontology: Zebrafish Environment Condition Ontology [ZECO:0000238]
Name: AS1842856
Synonyms: 5-amino-7-(cyclohexylamino)-1-ethyl-6-fluoro-1,4-dihydro-4-oxo-3-quinolinecarboxylic acid, 5-amino-7-(cyclohexylamino)-1-ethyl-6-fluoro-4-oxo-1,4-dihydroquinoline-3-carboxylic acid, AS 1842856, AS-1842856, FOXO1 inhibitor
Definition: A quinolone that is 4-quinolone substituted at positions 1, 3, 5, 6 and 7 by ethyl, carboxy, amino, fluorine, and cyclohexylamino groups, respectively. It can directly bind to and block the transcription activity of the active forkhead box protein O1 (Foxo1), but not the Ser256-phosphorylated form. It induces cell death and growth arrest in Burkitt lymphoma cell lines at low concentrations.
Ontology: ChEBI [CHEBI:145800]  ( EBI )
Publication: Casteels et al., 2021