- ID
- ZDB-MRPHLNO-050425-1
- Name
- MO1-dnah9
- Previous Names
- lrdr1 AUG MO (1)
- Target
- Sequence
- Disclaimer
- Although ZFIN verifies reagent sequence data, we recommend that you conduct independent sequence analysis before ordering any reagent.
- Note
directed against lrdr1 translation start codon
- Genome Resources
- None
Target Location
Genomic Features
No data available
Gene expression in Wild Types + MO1-dnah9
Expressed Gene | Anatomy | Figures |
dand5 |
Fig. 1
from Gourronc et al., 2007 |
egr2b |
Fig. 1
from Gourronc et al., 2007 |
lft1 |
Fig. 4
from Essner et al., 2005 |
lft2 |
Fig. 4
from Essner et al., 2005 |
spaw |
Fig. 1
from Gourronc et al., 2007 |
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Phenotype resulting from MO1-dnah9
No data available
Phenotype of all Fish created by or utilizing MO1-dnah9
No data available
- Ferreira, R.R., Pakula, G., Klaeyle, L., Fukui, H., Vilfan, A., Supatto, W., Vermot, J. (2018) Chiral Cilia Orientation in the Left-Right Organizer. Cell Reports. 25:2008-2016.e4
- Gourronc, F., Ahmad, N., Nedza, N., Eggleston, T., and Rebagliati, M. (2007) Nodal activity around Kupffer's vesicle depends on the T-box transcription factors notail and spadetail and on notch signaling. Developmental Dynamics : an official publication of the American Association of Anatomists. 236(8):2131-2146
- Essner, J.J., Amack, J.D., Nyholm, M.K., Harris, E.B., and Yost, H.J. (2005) Kupffer's vesicle is a ciliated organ of asymmetry in the zebrafish embryo that initiates left-right development of the brain, heart and gut. Development (Cambridge, England). 132(6):1247-1260
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