Fig. 1.

Figures for Fredlund et al., 2024
Figure Caption

Fig. 1. The correlation between low MOXD1 expression and worse patient prognosis is a neuroblastoma specific feature.

(A) Kaplan-Meier survival curves with log-rank P value for patients with neuroblastoma in the SEQC cohort (n = 498) stratified into quartiles based on the MOXD1 mRNA expression levels. (B and C) MOXD1 expression in patients with neuroblastoma (SEQC cohort) stratified according to the INSS stages (B) or low-risk or high-risk (C). (D) MOXD1 expression in patients with neuroblastoma (SEQC cohort) stratified according to the age at diagnosis (<18 months versus >18 months). (E) Detailed view of gains (red) and losses (blue) on chromosome 6 from high-risk patients in the Depuydt cohort (n = 556). The black line indicates the chromosomal location of MOXD1 (6q23.2). Maximum size of aberration was set to 180 Mb. (F) Kaplan-Meier plot of overall survival of patients with high-risk neuroblastoma (Depuydt; n = 539). Patients stratified by loss of MOXD1 or no loss of MOXD1. Patients with distal 6q mutations not affecting MOXD1 and patients lacking overall survival information were excluded. (G) Representative images of tumor cores stained for MOXD1 in different age groups [≤ 18 months versus > 18 months at diagnosis (left)] and tumors with loss of 6q (right). *Statistical analysis of significant correlations between MOXD1 expression and age at diagnosis. (H) MOXD1 expression in patients with ganglioneuroma versus neuroblastoma. (I) Expression of MOXD1 in malignant melanoma versus neuroblastoma; data extracted from the Cancer Cell Line Encyclopedia. (J) Expression of MOXD1 in the primary or metastatic malignant melanoma. (K) Expression of MOXD1 in colorectal cancer of stage 4 versus stages 1/2/3. (L) Expression of MOXD1 in localized versus metastatic breast cancer. (H) to (L) Number of patients (n) is depicted in the graphs.

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