Figure 6

Figures for D'Gama et al., 2024
Figure Caption

Figure 6

Reduced photic-induced neural activity in the brain of elipsa mutants

(A1) Optical sections of multiplane recording of a transgenic zebrafish larva expressing nuclear GcaMP6s in all neurons Tg(elavl3:H2B-GcaMP6s)jf7Tg. (A2) Segmented nuclei from different brain regions, which were identified based on anatomical landmarks, are color coded. (A3-A4) Neuronal activity represented as change of fluorescence (dF/F) in one representative control and mutant larvae. Traces were sorted based on their activity using k-means clustering (warm color represents higher calcium signals).

(B1, C1) Neural responses to light stimulation for control (black) and mutant (cyan) averaged over 5 trials of photic stimulations for ON (B1) and OFF (C1) response conditions (+/− standard error of mean as the shaded region trace). (B2, C2) Activity of neurons per brain regions during ON (B2) and OFF response (C2) for representative examples (warm color represents higher calcium signals). (B3, C3) Average amplitude of all cells during ON (B3) and OFF (C3) response for control (black) and mutant (cyan), amplitude was significantly reduced in TeO and Hind regions for ON response and all brain regions for OFF response. (B4, C4 and B5, C5) % of cells that are activated during ON (B4) and OFF response (C4) and inhibited during ON (B5) and OFF response (C5). ∗: p < 0.05, ∗∗: p < 0.01, ∗∗∗: p < 0.001 according to Wilcoxon Rank-Sum test. Mean+/− standard deviation is indicated on scatterplots. n = 10 controls and 11 mutants, control (black) and mutant (cyan). Tel, Telencephalon; TeO, Optic Tectum; BS, Brainstem; Hind, Hindbrain.

Figure Data
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