Fig. 6

Figures for Vöcking et al., 2022
Figure Caption

Fig. 6 Transcriptomic comparison between sox10, foxD3 and foxC1b derived cNCCs. A) Principal component analysis comparing 48hpf Tg[sox70:GFP] (blue), Tg[foxD3:GFP] (red) and Tg[sox10:GFP] (green) isolated cNCC/POM transcriptomes. Each dot represents one biological replicate. Variance between the samples is least between foxD3 and foxC1b data sets which cluster together and far apart from sox10 samples. B) Cluster analysis of the biological replicates indicates a close relationship between foxD3 and foxC1b derived samples and a significant divergence from sox10 derived samples. Numerous genes are found to be differentially expressed between the foxD3/foxC1b and sox10 samples. C) Ontology enrichment analysis identifies sox10 datasets to exhibit an upregulation in pigmentation, muscle and hematopoietic biological pathways compared to ASM related processes such as keratinization.

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