Figure Caption

Figure 7—figure supplement 3. A N-terminal fragment of ArhGEF11/PDZ-RhoGEF localizes at junctional membranes with enrichment at antero-posterior sites of EHT cells.

(A) Domains of ArhGEF11, including its actin binding site (L/IIxxFE) and the position of exon 38 encoded peptide. The bottom cartoon represents a protein deleted from its DH-PH domains and C-terminus that are replaced by eGFP (PDZ-PRD-RGS-eGFP) to follow the localization of the truncated fusion protein in expressing cells. (B) Localization of the ArhGEF11 PDZ-PRD-RGS-eGFP fusion protein after transient expression in the aorta (expression was obtained after injection of the plasmid, at the one-cell stage, in the Tg(Kdrl:Gal4;UAS:RFP) fish line). Confocal images (z-projection) extracted from a time-lapse sequence (timing points t=0 and t=77 min) and showing either the eGFP channel only (left), or the merge between the green and the red channels (RFP labels the cytoplasm). Note the localization of PDZ-PRD-RGS-eGFP at membrane interfaces at early time point of the emergence and at the rim of an emerging cell (white arrowheads, second cell from the right) and its enrichment at antero-posterior sites of an EHT pol+ cell proceeding throughout emergence (right cell, at t=0 and t=77 min and bottom cartoons, green arrows point at localization/concentration of PDZ-PRD-RGS-eGFP). Scale bar = 10 µm.

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