Figure Caption

Figure 6—figure supplement 1. Examples of junctional contacts targeted by FRAP in the aortic landscape.

After performing z-stack acquisitions in trunk regions followed by 2D-deployment of aortic segments (A-C), 4 different Tg(kdrl:eGFP-Jam3b; kdrl:nls-mKate2) 48–55 hpf embryos were illuminated for FRAP. Panels (A and B) are the entire segments from which cropped images of EHT pol+ and EHT pol- cells (black asterisks) and surroundings were extracted to build the panels A and B of Figure 6. Panels (C and D) are from two other embryos. The 2D-cartographies allow visualizing the junctions that were selected for FRAP, with the black arrows pointing at junctional interfaces between EHT and endothelial cells (all are in the area of tri-junctions) and the green arrows pointing at bi-junctions (Bj) or tri-junctions between endothelial cells (green asterisks). Scale bars = 20 µm.

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