Figure Caption

Figure 5—figure supplement 1. Model depicting the evolution of junctional interfaces and of the differential mobility of antero-posterior junctional complexes for EHT pol+ and EHT pol- cell emergence types.

Top panel: EHT pol+ cell whose emergence depends on the constriction of circumferential actomyosin (orange, see Lancino et al., 2018) and the reduction of the membrane interface contacting endothelial neighbors shrinking along the longitudinal axis (horizontal double arrows) and in the 2D plane (endothelial neighbors are not depicted and are embedded in the blue X-Y plane). Presumably, the reduction of membrane interfaces relies on consumption via endocytosis. Green ovals: junctional complexes reinforced at antero-posterior poles. Green line: apical/luminal membrane with typical inward bending. Bottom panel: EHT pol- cell whose emergence depends on the dynamics of adhesion pools that move synchronously in 3D (X, Y, Z), both at antero-posterior poles (blue ovals) and at lateral sides of the emerging cell contacting endothelial neighbors (adjoining endothelial cells are not depicted and are embedded in the blue X-Y plane). Presumably, this type of emergence in which endothelial cells crawl over the EHT cell (curved arrows) involves, for the latter, a partial retrograde endocytic recycling of junctional complexes (opposite to the direction of emergence). Note that nuclei are not drawn at scale.

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