Figure Caption

Figure 4—figure supplement 4. Expression of Pard3aa and Pard3ab are insensitive to dt-Runx1.

(A, B) Representative images (Imaris 3D-rendering) of RNAscope in situ hybridizations for Pard3aa and Pard3ab in trunk regions of 48 - 50hpf Tg(Kdrl:eGFP) control embryos and Tg(Kdrl:Gal4;UAS:RFP;4xNR:dt-runx1-eGFP) mutant embryos. The aorta is outlined with the white dashed lines. The RNAscope signals were segmented into spots; only the spots localized in the dorsal aorta are represented (magenta spots). Scale bars = 10 µm. (C) Pard3aa (left) and Pard3ab (right) spots count per aortic segment. Statistical tests: two-sided unpaired two samples Wilcoxon test, all p-values are displayed. Analysis was carried out on n=3 control embryos and n=3 mutant embryos.

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