Figure 5

Figures for Brenet et al., 2024
Figure Caption

Figure 5

Microglia ablation increases the locomotor activity of scn1Lab-KD larvae. (A) Scheme of the experimental setup. (B) Traces of the moves of WT (N = 148), scn1Lab-KD (N = 184), microglia-depleted WT (N = 45), and microglia-depleted scn1Lab-KD larvae (N = 28). The swimming speeds of larvae are represented according to the following color codes: black (low speed), green (medium speed), and red (high speed). (C) Quantification of the total distance traveled by 4 dpf WT (white) and scn1Lab-KD larvae (blue) during a 30-min period recording. (D) Quantification of the time spent by 4 dpf WT (white) and scn1Lab-KD larvae (blue) in a motionless position (D1), or swimming at low (D2), medium (D3), and high speed (D4). N = number of larvae. All graphs represent the average ± sem. The p-values were calculated by a two-way ANOVA followed by a Tukey post-test. ***, p < 0.001; ****, p < 0.0001: indicates a statistical difference between genotypes. $$$, p < 0.001; $$$$, p < 0.0001: indicate significant differences depending on the presence or absence of microglia.

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