Fig. 7

Figures for Yang et al., 2023
Figure Caption

Fig. 7 Cells of myeloid lineage secrete Tnf-α to promote NF-κB activation in zebrafish thyroid epithelial cells.

a In vivo continuous observation of the interaction between macrophages [Tg(mpeg:eGFP)] and thyroid epithelial cells [Tg(tg:mCherry)]. Arrowhead notifies the extension of front epithelial cell after frequent interactions. b Interaction between neutrophils [Tg(mpo:eGFP)] and thyroid epithelial cells [Tg(tg:mCherry)]. Arrowheads indicate the extrusion of front epithelial cell. c Representative image and statistical analysis showing follicles formed in 6dpf wild-type and cebpa-/- under Tg(tg:mCherry) background. d Tnf-α positive cells [Tg(tnfa:Dendra)] in touch with thyroid epithelial cells examined at times indicated on the left in zebrafish embryos. e In vivo continuous monitoring shows the interaction with Tnf-α positive cells promoted the extrusion of front thyroid epithelial cells. f Continuous in vivo observation of thyroid epithelial cell morphogenesis in zebrafish embryos treated with lenalidomide. g Representative images and statistical analysis of follicle numbers in wild-type and cebpa−/− with or without TRAF2 overexpression in thyrocytes. Scale bar, 50 μm. Three independent experiments were carried for (a and b). In (c and g), data are shown as mean ± SD (n = 12 zebrafish/group, significance was determined by two-side Student’s t test or one-way ANOVA with post Tukey’s multiple comparisons test). Source data are provided as a Source data file.

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