Differential gene expression identifies two distinct subsets of WT V0v spinal interneurons. (A) 2D UMAP plot of 48 h post-mitotic V0v spinal interneuron single-cell RNA-seq atlas (2860 cells). Cells were obtained from 48 h embryos produced from an incross of evx1i232/+;evx2sa140/+ heterozygous parents homozygous for Tg(evx1:EGFP)SU2. Clusters are color-coded by cell identity: V0v WT Group 1 (light green), V0v WT Group 2 (dark green), V0v Mutant Group 1 (turquoise), V0v Mutant Group 2 (light blue), and V0v Mutant Group 3 (dark blue). For ease of cell type comparison, panel 7A has been reproduced from Fig. 6A. (B-J) 2D UMAP plots of differential gene expression between cell clusters. Black shows high levels of expression, light grey shows low levels of expression. All expression data have been normalized (see Methods). (B) anos1a, (C) chrna2b, (D) fndc4b, (E) plpp4, (F) cnih3, and (G) drd2b are all expressed in more cells in WT and Mutant Group 1 clusters than WT and Mutant Group 2 clusters. In contrast, (H) esrrb, (I) scxa, and (J) svild are all expressed in more cells in WT and Mutant Group 2 clusters than WT and Mutant Group 1 clusters
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