Figure 2

Figures for Li et al., 2023
Figure Caption

Figure 2

Stc1a and Trpv6 regulate each other’s expression. (A) Loss of Stc1a increases trpv6 mRNA levels. Fish of the indicated genotypes were raised in E3 embryo medium. At 5 dpf, the trpv6 mRNA levels were measured and normalized by 18S RNA levels. n = 15~17. *, P < 0.05. (B) Loss of Trpv6 reduces stc1a mRNA levels. Embryos of the indicated genotypes were raised in E3 embryo medium. At 5 dpf, the stc1a mRNA levels were measured and normalized by 18S RNA levels. n = 15~17. *, P < 0.05. (C, D) IGF signaling is critical in increasing Trpv6 expression in stc1a-/- fish. Larvae (4 pdf) of the indicated genotypes were treated with DMSO or BMS-754807 for one day and the trpv6 mRNA levels were measured and normalized by 18S rRNA (C). The data were further normalized by NaR cell numbers and shown in (D). Data shown are from 3 independent experiments, each containing 15 larvae/group. *, P < 0.05. ns, not statistically significant.

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