Figure Caption

Figure 2—figure supplement 2. The mir-427 locus.

(A) Browser tracks showing strand-separated log2 reads-per-million RNA-seq coverage over the predicted mir-427 primary transcript near the telomere of Chr1L on the v10.1 genome assembly. Xenbase gene isoforms are annotated at the top, aligned precursor mir-427 sequences are annotated in the middle according to strand orientation. (B) Browser track showing log2 reads-per-million RNA-seq coverage over the presumed mir-427 encoding region on the v9.2 genome assembly. The overlapping antisense transcript is not transcribed (all coverage shown is sense to the mir-427 transcript). (C) Dot matrix alignment plot showing BLAST local alignments between v10.1 Chr1L and Chr1S in the region flanking the mir-427 locus. Repetitive sequence alignments (Xenbase soft-masked genomic sequence) are shown in gray, non-repetitive alignments in black. Upstream (dnajb5) and downstream (npr2) homeologous genes are labeled. The L-specific mir-427 locus is highlighted in light red, showing no alignments to Chr1S. (D) Region of v10.1 Chr3S where two additional sequence matches to the mir-427 hairpin are found by BLAT. However, there is minimal RNA-seq coverage, suggesting the Chr1L locus is the only bona fide mir-427 encoding region in the v10.1 assembly. Log2 reads-per-million coverage is shown on the same scale as panel (A).

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