Fig. 3
Telomere elongation in the gut of tert−/− + Cre fish rescued gut microbiota composition and diversity to WT levels compared to tert−/− no Cre fish, which exhibited gut microbiota dysbiosis. a, Quantification of microbiome α diversity (within samples) using the Shannon index (P values were determined using a two-sided Wilcoxon signed-rank test) in the gut of 9-month-old fish. b, Quantification of microbiome β diversity using weighted UniFrac distance (within groups; ***P < 0.001 using a two-sided Tukey test) in the gut of 9-month-old fish. c, PCoA of the β diversity distance (weighted UniFrac) in the gut of 9-month-old fish. d, Relative abundance of top 10 bacterial classes in the microbiome of the three different groups in the gut of 9-month-old fish. e, Relative abundance of top 10 bacterial genera in the microbiome of the three different groups in the gut of 9-month-old fish. For all the figures, nWT = 15 fish,
Source data