Fig. 1

Figures for Dinarello et al., 2023
Figure Caption

Fig. 1 STAT3 regulates a subset of hypoxia-dependent genes.

AD Transcriptome analysis by RNA-seq. A: Genes that were differentially expressed (log2[fold change (FC)] > + 0.75 or <−0.75; q-value < 0.01, Benjamini–Hochberg adjustment, as indicated by dashed lines) between Stat3+/+ cells in normoxia and Stat3+/+ cells in hypoxia; n = 4 biological replicates. Expression levels of genes that were down- (B) and upregulated (C) in Stat3+/+ in hypoxia relative to Stat3+/+ cells in normoxia. Each boxplot shows the 1st, 2nd and 3rd quartiles; the whiskers show the minimum and maximum values. D heatmap of RNAseq data reporting the expression of genes that are affected by hypoxia in Stat3+/+ cells compared to Stat3+/+ normoxic cells, but that require STAT3 to be properly altered in their expression. E expression level of Vegfa, Hk1, Hk2, Pfkp and Hilpda in normoxic and hypoxic Stat3+/+ and Stat3−/− mESCs taken from RNAseq data. F Gene expression analysis by RT–qPCR of Stat3+/+ and Stat3−/− cells treated in normoxic and hypoxic mESCs of the same genes shown for the RNAseq. Mean ± SEM of n = 4 experiments, with each replica shown as a dot.

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