Images of the mCherry-fluorescent Wnt-active zone in zebrafish fin regenerates. The 7xTCF-Xia.Siam:nlsmCherry expression is detectable due to mCherry fluorescence (upper rows). Corresponding brightfield images are shown below. Within one treatment group, the same individual is shown across time points. From left to right: fish underwent 21 days of DMSO, 21 days of prednisolone, 17 days of DMSO followed by 4 days of prednisolone and 17 days of prednisolone followed by 4 days of DMSO treatment. Scalebar 200 µm. The white dotted lines indicate amputation planes in the fluorescence view of the fins. n (DMSO 21d,9/14/17/21dpa) = 5 (4 females, 1 male); n (Pred 21d,9dpa) = 8 (6 females, 2 males), n (Pred 21d,14dpa) = 7 (6 females, 1 male), n (Pred 21d,17/21dpa) = 6 (6 females); n (DMSO 17d Pred 4d,9/14dpa) = 8 (6 females, 2 males), n (DMSO 17d Pred 4d,17/21dpa) = 7 (6 females, 1 male); n (Pred 17d DMSO 4d,9dpa) = 8 (6 females, 2 males), n (Pred 17d DMSO 4d,14/17/21dpa) = 7 (6 females, 1 male).
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Full text @ Front Endocrinol (Lausanne)
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