Fig. 6
Figure 6. Impact of nup133 or elys mutation and nup133 overexpression on nuclear transport of TFs (A–F) Nuclear transport dynamics of microinjected sNLS-GFP protein in MZnup133 (A–C) or Melys (D–F) mutants. 2 ng/embryo sNLS-GFP protein was microinjected at 1c for analysis. The relative time was referred to the start of live-cell imaging. (G–O) Nuclear accumulation of Nanog (G, J, and M), Eomesa (H, K, and N) and pSmad1/5/9 (I, L, and O) and their N/C ratios in 1kc-stage embryos of different genetic backgrounds. Significant differences were considered as follows: ns, nonsignificance, p ≥ 0.05; ∗, p < 0.05; ∗∗, p < 0.01; ∗∗∗, p < 0.001. See also Figure S4 and Videos S5 and S6.
Reprinted from Cell, 185(26), Shen, W., Gong, B., Xing, C., Zhang, L., Sun, J., Chen, Y., Yang, C., Yan, L., Chen, L., Yao, L., Li, G., Deng, H., Wu, X., Meng, A., Comprehensive maturity of nuclear pore complexes regulates zygotic genome activation, 4954-4970.e20, Copyright (2022) with permission from Elsevier. Full text @ Cell