Figure 7

Figures for Almeida et al., 2023
Figure Caption

Figure 7

Rab5+, Rab7+, and Rab11+ endosomes localized to immature sheaths.

(A) The endocytic recycling pathway during sheath initiation and loss. (B) Lateral images of oligodendrocytes in the early stages of the ensheathment process in the spinal cord of living larvae at 2.5 dpf labeled with sox10:mScarlet-CAAX (magenta) and expressing either myrf:eGFP-RAB5C, myrf:eGFP-RAB7A, or myrf:eGFP-RAB11A (green). White boxes outline immature sheaths with Rab+ endosomal puncta for each fusion protein. (Scale bar = 5 μm). (C) Top panels are grey inset images from the outlined regions in B. The bottom panels are 3D reconstructions of these insets (Membrane in magenta, endosomes in green). (D) Quantification of Rab+ endosomal puncta in immature sheaths. Number of puncta in each sheath was normalized by the length of the sheath. Rab5 n = 36 sheaths (9 ventral cells/2 dorsal cells/11 larvae), Rab11 n = 34 sheaths (8 ventral cells/2 dorsal cells/10 larvae), Rab7 n = 33 sheaths (9 ventral cells/2 dorsal cells/11 larvae). Dashed lines represent average values and error bars are SD. (See associated source data and supplementary video files).

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