Figure 6
Results of bone mineral density and trabecular number in zebrafish knockout models. (A) The mineral density and (B) trabecular number were decreased in the miR-196a-1 or miR-196b knockout group. BMD-1 is the BMD or bone mineral density of the postcranial vertebra, BMD-2 is the middle spinal segment, and BMD-3 is the caudal vertebra. TB.N-1 is the trabecular number of the postcranial vertebra, TB.N-2 is the middle spinal segment, and TB.N-3 is the caudal vertebra. WT is wild-type zebrafish. K-miR-196a-1 is the miR-196a-1 gene knockout zebrafish; K-miR-196b is the miR-196b gene knockout zebrafish; K-miR-196a-1/196b is the zebrafish with miR-196a-1 and miR-196b gene knockout; compared with wild zebrafish, * p < 0.05; compared with miR-196a-1 gene knockout zebrafish, # p < 0.05; compared with miR-196b gene knockout group, & p < 0.05, n = 3.