Fig. 3
Structural characterization of WDR5•CS-VIP 8 interaction. (A) Co-crystal structures of WDR5•CS-VIP 8 complexes: overlay of cis1 (CS-VIP 8: yellow) and cis2 (CS-VIP 8: green) crystals. (B and C) WDR5-binding site for CS-VIP 8 in crystal 1 (cis1) and in crystal 2 (cis2), respectively. (D) WDR5 apo-structure as generated by 405 nm illumination after crystallization. The shown Fobs,1 – Fobs,2 difference electron density (red, contouring level 2σ) was calculated for cis1-apo states using phases of the cis1 complex. Notably, Phe133 and Phe149 (marine blue apo; light cyan cis1) adopt a different conformation upon CS-VIP 8 release. (E) Absorbance spectra of frozen WDR5 cocrystals recorded at the icOS Lab. (F) Binding site of the cryo-trapped structure from E; CS-VIP 8 is colored as the B-factors range from 13 (blue) to 32 A2 (red); the SIGMAA-weighted 2mFobs −DFcalc electron density (gray) is shown at a contouring level of 2σ.