Fig. 4
(A) Images from representative fish from a lat4anr21/+ × kcnh2alof/+ cross indicate lat4a is a fin suppressor of overgrowth caused by increased potassium channel function. Brackets indicate length of pectoral fin. Pectoral fins are outlined with dashed line. As in flying fishes, the nr21/lof trans-heterozygotes exhibit elongated paired fins and a hypocercal caudal fin. Asterisk (*) highlights hypocercal caudal fin.
(B and C) Pectoral fin length (B) and caudal fin length (C) suppression of overgrowth in medial fin by lat4a mutation. In (B) and (C), length normalized by SL.
(D) qRT-PCR of kcnh2a in pectoral and dorsal fins containing the lof inversion. Expression of kcnh2a was not detected (n.d.) in wild-type fins. Note, no significant change in expression of kcnh2a is observed in fins containing the nr21 mutation. Fold change relative to lof/+ is shown.
(E) qRT-PCR of lat4a showing no significant difference in lat4a expression across fins and genotypes. Fold change relative to wild type is shown.
In (D) and (E), midline represents mean; errors bars represent ±1 SEM. In (B)?(E), p values are generated through Tukey?s HSD. ****adjusted p ? 0.0001, **adjusted p ? 0.01. and **adjusted p ? 0.05. n.s. indicates not significant.