Fig. 4
Loss of atg13 does not affect size of lower jaw in development. (A) Left, representative confocal z?stack projections of the lower jaw at 3, 5, and 7 dpf in wt and atg13?mutant larvae, immunostained for collagen Type II (Col2a1). Scale bar = 50 µm. Right, schematic showing where 3 measurements taken within lower jaw of larvae. (B?D) Quantification of three measurements; (B) length of Merkel's cartilage, (C) length of lower jaw, (D) width of Merkel's cartilage. n = 7 for 3 dpf, n = 6 for 5 dpf and n = 6 and 4 at 7 dpf for wt and atg13 mutant, respectively. Student's unpaired t test performed for each age, ns p > .05