Fig. 1 Expression of gmds and phenotypic quantification of mutants and morphants. (A) A wildtype (WT) embryo at 48 hpf (B) A gmd n1002 ?/? mutant embryo at 48 hpf with a curly tail and cerebral hemorrhage. A sequencing chromatogram is shown from a wildtype embryo comparing a non-altered gmds sequence (C) to a mutant sequence (D) highlighting a missense mutation and a one base insertion at the CRISPR cut site, creating a premature ?stop? codon in the protein coding sequence. The rates of hemorrhage, curly tail and swimming behavior recorded at 3 dpf for gmdsn1002-/-, gmdstowhead?/?, and gmds morphants (E). The gmds gene is maternally deposited and ubiquitously expressed at 2 hpf (F). Low levels of ubiquitous expression are observed at 12 hpf (G), with expression increasing in the epidermis by 24 hpf (H). At 48 hpf, gmds expression is seen in the pharyngeal arches and a thin stripe in the heart (I). By 72 hpf, the pharyngeal arches and sensory neuromasts have gmds expression staining (J).
Reprinted from Developmental Biology, 480, Fowler, G., French, D., Rose, A., Squires, P., Anecito da Silva, C., Ohata, S., Okamoto, H., French, C.R., Protein fucosylation is required for Notch dependent vascular integrity in zebrafish, 62-68, Copyright (2021) with permission from Elsevier. Full text @ Dev. Biol.