Fig 5

Figures for Kaufman et al., 2018
Figure Caption

Fig 5 <italic>rbpms2</italic> mutant allele stability and localization activity in germ cells.

(A-B) Wild-type GFP-Rbpms2a/b localize to germ granules of PGCs. PGCs are labeled with RFP-nos3’utr at 30hpf. (C-E) Like wild-type Rbpms2a and Rbpms2b, GFP-Rbpms2aae30 (C), GFP-Rbpms2bsa9329 (D), and GFP-Rbpms2bae32 (E) are all enriched in germ cells. However, GFP-Rbpms2aae30 and GFP-Rbpms2bsa9329 are not localized to granules; whereas, GFP-Rbpms2bae32 is partially localized to germ granules. (F) Graph depicting percentage of granule vs. cytoplasmic localization of GFP-rbpms2 alleles in PGCs. Numbers indicated in parentheses near allele name are number of embryos analyzed, whereas numbers in the right three columns represent numbers of PGCs.

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