Fig. 5
Functional analysis of U8 homodimerization domain. (A) U8:U8 homodimer with positions of selected destabilizing mutations indicated in red. (B) Representative brightfield and fluorescent images of the indicated genotype and exogenous precursor U8 snoRNA variants taken at 48 h post-fertilization. mRNA encoding the mKate2 fluorescent protein was coinjected to show successful uptake of the injected solution into the embryo. White arrowheads denote hydrocephaly, red arrowheads denote aberrant yolk extension, whereas a black asterisk denotes an absence of hydrocephaly and a red asterisk denotes rescued yolk morphology. (C) Quantitation of embryo length for the genotypes and introduced precursor U8 snoRNA variants indicated. (uninj) Uninjected. n = 3–4 embryos per genotype. Black dashed line indicates median value; all data points are shown.