Fig. 2
Verification of vascular-specific expression of potential targets in wt and double knockdown isl2/nr2f1b MOs by in situ hybridization. Embryos were injected with a combination of isl2 and nr2f1b morpholinos (8 and 1.7 ng each) and gene expression was examined by in situ hybridization at 24 h post-fertilization. Representative wt control embryos are on the left of each panel and isl2/nr2f1b morpholino (MO)-injected embryos are on the right. ((A–J,A′–J′) red bar aside) The increased expression of (A′) cpn1, (B′) foxo3b, (C′) fsta, (D′) scarb2, (E′) cx32.2, (F′) lnx1, (G′) mmp2, (H′) ftr82, (I′) gtpbp1l, and (J′) itm2bb in the vasculature in isl2/nr2f1b morphants (thick arrows) compared to wild-type embryos (A–J). (K–N,K′–N′ green bar aside) The reduced expression of (K′) stap2b, (L′) WASF1, (M′) sfrp1a, and (N′) nsdhl in the vessels in isl2/nr2f1b morphants (dash arrows) compared to wild-type embryos (K–N). These data consist of the transcriptome results. Values on the bottom indicate the number of embryos exhibiting a phenotype per the total number of embryos analyzed. Scale bar is 200 μm for all figures.