Fig. 5

Figures for Tang et al., 2022
Figure Caption

Fig. 5

Dnmt1 depletion represses Fgf signalling and the chemokine superfamily in zebrafish primordium. Corresponding decreased expression of Fgf signalling components including fgf3, pea3 and fgf10 are presented in Dnmt1 morphants compared to the control siblings at 32 hpf (A-F). On the contrary, the expression of lef1, a target gene of Wnt signalling, is increased in Dnmt1-deficient embryos (G-H). The expression levels of chemokine ligands are discrepant that cxcr4b transcript level is decreased (I-J) but cxcr7b transcript level is increased (K-L) in Dnmt1-MO morphants in comparison with Con-MO samples. The staining of cxcl12 is completely discontinuous along the intermediate line of the trunk in Dnmt1-MO group compared to the controls (M-N). The primordium appearance is shaped by dotted lines. Each group has eight zebrafish, and the results are repeated for three times

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