Fig. 5

Figures for Sánchez-Iranzo et al., 2022
Figure Caption

Fig. 5

her6, her9, and jag1a determine cell fate in the zebrafish notochord.

(A–C, E–F) Confocal optical sections of 2 dpf live zebrafish that were injected with the emilin3a:GFP (A, E) emilin3a:GFP-p2a-her6 (B), emilin3a:GFP-p2a-her9 (C) or emilin3a:GFP-p2a-jag1a (F) constructs. DNA constructs were injected at the one-cell stage together with I-SceI protein. (D and G) Proportion of vacuolated cells at 2 dpf are shown. Proportion of vacuolated cells was calculated by counting the number of vacuolated cells divided by the sum of the number of sheath and vacuolated cells. Each point in D, G represents an independent fish quantified from on z-stack confocal planes (D, n = 9 GFP, n = 10 GFP-her6, n = 10 GFP-her9, G, n = 5 GFP, n = 5 GFP-jag1a). Two-tailed p-values are shown in D and G. Scale bars, 50 μm.

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