Fig. 9
Maintenance of CP epithelial polarity and junctions in cldn5a-/- larvae. A Apical polarity marker of PKC? and epithelial junction proteins were stained to investigate the integrity of dCP epithelium. In the larval brains of wild types and cldn5a-/- with NM, PKC? colocalizes with Cldn5a and is linearly expressed in the apical side of dCP epithelium. In cldn5a-/- with BE, PKC? localizes non-apically and misexpresses on the protruded CP into the ventricle (white arrowhead) and the misfolded plexus epithelial layers (white arrow). Furthermore, compared to that in wild types, cldn5a-/- larvae show a dramatic upregulation of ZO-1. There was no discrepancy in the expression of Beta-catenin between wild types and cldn5a-/- mutated larvae. White dot lines figure out the linear dCP epithelium. n?>?3 fishes analyzed per group. Scale bars: 20 ?m. B, C The quantitative analysis of ZO-1 and Beta-catenin by measuring the mean gray values in CP epithelial cells with ImageJ software. Data are shown as mean?±?SEM. ***P?<?0.005, ****P?<?0.001