Fig. 3
Endocardial markers are first expressed at 8 s in zebrafish embryos.In situ hybridisation for endocard:egfp, nfatc1 and cbfa2t3 expression in embryos from 5 s (11.5 hpf) through to 48 hpf, showing expression emerging in the endocardium from 8 s onwards. White arrowheads show the expression domains corresponding to endocardial cells and their progenitors. nfatc1 expression is also observed in the olfactory placode (black arrows) as previously described. cbfa2t3 expression is also seen in otic vesicle progenitors (black arrowheads) and throughout the neural system (black arrows). Anterior to the top in all images. Anterior views at 48 hpf, all other images show dorsal views. Scale bars: 100 μm. The number of embryos matching the image shown is indicated in the top right of each image.